Anita Butler: Quarryman's Pride (English...
Ken Jones's Story (English version)
Dic Jones: Slate in my Blood (English version)
Clarice Roberts: The Bull (English version)
Catherine Foulkes: My Days in the Office ...
Huw Hughes: Quarrying’s Gift (English version)
William A. Williams: The Lads on the Yard ...
Elwyn Jones: Going Back (English version)
Eifiona Harris: Living for his Work (English...
Stan Lyall: A Fatal Accident (English version)
Dilys Baylis: The Quarry Hooter
Making Welsh Cakes
'Acholi' written in the Acholi language
'Kiluba' written in the Kiluba language
'Kikongo' written in the Kikongo...
'Kannada' written in the Kannada...
'Berber' written in the Berber language
'Bambara' written in the Bambara...
Arabic (Lebanon) written in the Arabic (Lebanon...
Arabic (Qatar) written in the Arabic (Qatar)...
'Korean' written in the Korean language
Languages of Wales
'Fanti' written in the Fanti language
'Lunyankole' written in the...
'Lingala' written in the Ngala language
'Krio' written in the Krio language
'Polski' written in the Polish language
'Slovensky' written in the Slovak...
'Lalands' written in the Lallands...